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  • Dr. Blake

I don't have pain right now. How can you help me?

For many years, physical therapists have been known as the people you see when you are in pain. This is certainly warranted, as physical therapists are experts in solving musculoskeletal pain problems. This is good news at a time when 1 in 2 Americans are being diagnosed with a musculoskeletal condition according to a study published in 2016. Musculoskeletal pain has been the cause of countless dollars spent, work hours lost, and pain medications prescribed over the past decade.

In my opinion, this problem is partially caused by a reactive rather than proactive mindset when it comes to healthcare in the Unites States. What if you could get ahead of future musculoskeletal pain and prevent it from ever causing problems?

This brings us back to our initial question. How can I help someone who isn't currently experiencing pain? The answer is prevention. My depth of understanding of human movement allows me to spot subtle dysfunctions in your movement patterns and clear them up before they ever start to cause pain. Anyone who has suffered with musculoskeletal pain can tell you how valuable that is.

Life is too short to let pain slow you down. Don't be reactive with your health and wellness. Be proactive. Contact me today and let me know how I can help.

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