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  • Dr. Blake

Okay I'm ready to start exercising. Now what?

So you've made the decision to take control of your health and wellness. You are committed to following an exercise routine and you can't wait to get started. The only problem is, you don't know where to start. Should you just start running? What about lifting weights? What is this Crossfit thing that everyone is talking about? There are countless options for exercise out there and while this is a great thing, it can often lead to paralysis by analysis. There are a few things you should consider as you are deciding which form of exercise to participate in.

1. Exercise should be enjoyable. Exercise is not something to be feared or dreaded. The good thing about the bounty of exercise options is that you can try as many as it takes to find something that you truly enjoy. Don't be discouraged if your first choice doesn't seem to be a good fit. Keep experimenting until you find the right thing. Finding a form of exercise that is enjoyable is a great step toward a lifetime of health and wellness.

2. Exercise should be sustainable. This goes hand in hand with the previous idea. Exercising for three hours per day may be doable for a few weeks but eventually you will burn out or get injured. The good news is that you can get significant improvements in your health and wellness by committing just one hour per day, 4-5 days per week to exercise. Even those of us with hectic schedules can typically find one hour per day to dedicate to our bodies, even if that means giving up something less productive (perhaps Netflix?). Remember, this is something you are committing to for the rest of your life. As a wise tortoise once said, "slow and steady wins the race".

3. Exercise should be varied. This point is less critical than the previous two, but important nonetheless. It has been repeatedly shown that a combination of aerobic and strength training provide the greatest benefit to overall health and wellness. This can be accomplished in many different ways but my favorite is combining them with a high intensity interval training program (think Crossfit or Orangetheory).

If you are having difficulty choosing which fitness path to start down, use these three principles as a road map. The most difficult step in any journey is always the first one. Don't wait another day to start gaining control of your health and wellness.

Do you have further questions about exercise? Feel free to reach out to me at

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