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  • Dr. Blake

Move better. Feel better. Live better.

As a human, you were designed to move. Think of all the words we have to describe human movement. Walk, run, crawl, jump, climb. These few just scratch the surface. So if you were designed to move, doesn't it make sense that you will feel better if you are using your body the way it was meant to be used? You'll be more productive at work and will no longer be exhausted when you get home. And when you feel better, you will live better. Going on that long hike with your family will no longer seem like such a chore. Maybe you'll even sign up for that marathon you've always wanted to run.

All of this sounds great, but many of you have been stuck on that first step for what seems like forever. You want to move more but every time you try to get back in the gym that nagging low back pain flares up. You'd really like to run in your neighborhood 5K but you can't run more than a few minutes without that sharp pain in the front of your knee. This is where I come in. As a physical therapist, I am an expert in human movement. I can determine what movement fault is causing your pain and give you the tools you need to eliminate it.

So what is holding you back from living the life you want to live? Stop letting pain dictate what you can and can't do. Let me help you move better, feel better, and live better.

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